Sunday, 26 May 2013

My Son - A proud dad story

I didn't get a chance to write this yesterday, but I had a very proud moment of fatherhood yesterday when my 6 year old son showed me a game he designed.

At school they had been designing board games and I was very impressed at what Morgan came up with. At its heart it was just a simple start to finish board game but how you got there was the interesting part. Each turn the players would choose one of 8 coloured lollipop sticks with numbers on them as follows:-

Red - 1 & 8
Orange - 2 & 7
Green - 3 & 6
Blue - 4 & 5

So by picking the red stick you had a chance of getting either 1 or 8. High risk but potentially high reward. If you picked blue you knew you were hitting average. This gave the game some element of risk management (similar in some ways to games like Elder Sign or zombie dice).

He'd also added some other interesting elements such as the inaccurately named "long square" (a short cut) and the "happening square" (which allowed you to rapidly move forward). Either way I'm impressed at the amount of thought that a 6 year old had put into a simple board game.

I love that my love of games has passed to my kids and I hope they get as much enjoyment as I do from as they grow up. 

'Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris

    Just wondered whether you were aware of this guy building a game solo. Looks very good to me and he gives a nice blog on its features every week or so.
