Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Welcome to my blog!

If your here it's because I've pestered you to check it out, because you're interested in game design in general or you've accidentally stumbled upon the random blog of a crazy guy. When I say "game design" I mean the loose collection of ideas floating around in my head that are formed into game ideas. Let's start at the beginning.

"My name's Chris and I'm a gamer."
There, I said it. Much like the stigma of being an alcoholic people look down at those who "waste their lives" playing games. I've always played games and always enjoyed it. I like to play and I like to win. I don't always manage to win and I'm certainly not the best at gaming either. But I definitely get invested in a game. I love playing new games, trying things out, understanding something new and trying to "get good" at them. Also, when I say gaming, I'm not just talking about computer games, I'm talking everything from PC to console, board games to pen & papers.

I'll try just about any game, some I enjoy more than others, but generally I'll play anything if it has depth. Though when it comes down to it I have two favourite types: RPGs and Card Games (mainly trading/collectible ones).

Oh something else to mention, I'm a programmer... Kinda important I know. I love planning and thinking and making things work. I'll write a post on it soon but in short programming is more about working out what to code than how to code it.

So where does this take us to?
I like games, I like making stuff. So this blog is going to just be my rambling thoughts on Game Design and maybe a few ideas on what I'd do if I was ever to make a game. I'm hoping to update this fairly regularly with whatever is on my mind. Some topics that I'd definitely like to cover in upcoming posts are:-

  • What is fun? What's Anti-fun?
  • The curse of RNG (Random Number Generation)
  • Casual Gaming vs Hardcore Gaming

So if any of this interests you, check back in from time to time. I appreciate any feedback as I'm a big believer is collaborative design. Different people have different ideas, and that's what makes game design fun and challenging.

Til next time...

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